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Passivhaus and the cost of living crisis – curated by Passivhaus Trust

How does Passivhaus provide solutions to the current energy bill crisis? The Passivhaus Trust leads a workshop exploring the energy and cost-saving benefits of building and retrofitting using the low energy building standard and methodology.

Chair: Matt Bridgestock, Managing Director, John Gilbert Architects

The costs and benefits of Passivhaus newbuild
Emma Osmundsen, Chief Executive. Sixty Bricks, Waltham Forest Borough Council’s Housing Development Company

How can Passivhaus help to inform cost-effective retrofit plans?
Mariam Kapsali, Architect & Passivhaus Designer, Architype
Rebecca Hall, Architect & Passivhaus Designer, Architype

What actions can we all take today, including step-by-step retrofit approaches
Robert Prewett, Director, Prewett Bizley Architects

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