Futurebuild 2023 Interiors section
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Indoor air pollution in buildings: why it matters

There is a growing recognition of the importance of improving indoor air quality. Air purifiers and ventilation systems are seen as the answer, but these do not necessarily remove the source of hazardous emissions from building materials.  This session will give an introduction to the importance of understanding emissions from building materials, with a focus on the evidence of the negative health effects of chemical hazards in buildings and how these can be mitigated or removed through the use of natural materials.


Dr. Tom Woolley, Author of Building Materials, Health and Indoor Air Quality and chair of the UK Clean Air Steering Committee
Professor Sir Stephen Holgate, UK Clean Air Champion and author, Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health report on the Health effects of indoor air quality
Dr. Michelle Bellingham, Glasgow University  author of the Royal College of Obstetricians report on Chemical Exposures During Pregnancy

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