Rolawn Medallion® Turf is the UK’s most specified turf. This premium turf is specially grown from a blend of the finest fescue and ryegrass cultivars to produce a lawn with an outstanding, mixed fine-leafed appearance that is hardwearing, slow growing, easy to maintain and drought tolerant. Ideal for commercial and residential landscaping projects. It is a technically superior product that roots aggressively when laid, providing early establishment. Medallion is easy to handle and lay, looks outstanding on the day of delivery and with the correct maintenance will provide many years of satisfaction. To extend the window of opportunity for handling, the turf if is cooled using Rolawn’s unique ProFresh® technology.
SuDS and Rain Garden Soil
Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) and rain gardens provide significant benefits for managing water runoff. Our SuDS soil balances infiltration, retention and filtration, minimising the risk of urban flooding by allowing