Long lasting and functioning hard landscapes on rooftops and podium decks require well-engineered systems. These assure the continuance of the roof function (e.g. continuous waterproofing and drainage capacity) and allow for horizontal forces generated by accelerating, braking and steering. If hard and soft landscaping are combined, not only drainage and compressive strength are important, but also the water retention capacity. Stabilodrain® SD 30, the core piece of this build-up, meets all requirements and ensures durable functionality.
Depending on the installation, it allows for drainage of water (diffusion holes facing downwards) or for drainage combined with water retention (diffusion holes facing upwards).
Biosolar System Build-up “SolarVert”
ZinCo extend the advantages of green roof technology with the development of support bases for solar panels. With the innovative Solar Base, solar energy can be integrated into green roof