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23 Results
Materials sponsored by Aggregate Industries
Jasen Gauld, Aggregate Industries UK 

Understanding the role of concrete in the hierarchy of Net Zero design

The decarbonisation of structures is one of the most important challenges that our industry faces. Jasen will present on the use of efficient concreting materials that reduce carbon, such as ECOPact. The presentation will develop opportunities on how we can make a difference and obtain significant reductions in carbon emissions. A key theme will be

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Materials sponsored by Aggregate Industries
Craig Johnson, Trimble  Mark Pniewski, Thorp Precast Limited   Mark Shepherd, MPA Precast  Matthew Butcher, MPA Precast 

Innovations in Precast Concrete – MPA Precast

Precast concrete is simultaneously at the cutting edge of Modern Methods of Construction (MMC) and utilising the inherent, proven performance benefits of concrete. These benefits can be relied on to deliver safe, sustainable buildings that are resilient to fire, release of water and protect occupants from the impacts of climate change, such as rising temperatures.

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Materials sponsored by Aggregate Industries
Chris Bailey, Action on Empty Homes  Julieta Perucca, The Shift  Laura Baron, Purcell   Sam Freeman, The Shift  

Decarbonise Now: Solutions outside the capitalist growth machine

Say no to endless, directionless growth! Say no to consumerism! These are the systems on which our world spins. We will explore how, as a built environment professional, you can take action within your projects to create systemic change: from a linear & destructive, to a circular & regenerative economy. Join us to visualise systems

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Materials sponsored by Aggregate Industries
Filipa Oliveira, PRP  Tessa Devreese, ReLondon & CIRCuIT 

Cultural Transformation: Material Choices – profit or poison

Building materials that are flammable, that encourage black mould growth, that give off carcinogenic particles are killing us. The construction industry has chosen profit and toxicity instead of life and wellbeing. Systems must change and a complete cultural shift is needed in what we prioritise in buildings. Join us to discuss the impacts of specification,

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Materials sponsored by Aggregate Industries
Anthony Hudson, Hudson Architects  Kiran Pereira, Author of ‘Sand Stories’   Rachael Owens, Buckley Gray Yeoman  Vincent MacDonald, MAP Architecture 

Ecological Regeneration: Mapping the hidden impacts of the materials we specify

Did you know there was a sand crisis? A fundamental building block of glass and concrete is running out, and what is left is being fought over and exploited. Join us in this session as we explore the hidden and extractive nature of the materials we specify, and how natural materials provide an alternative and

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Materials sponsored by Aggregate Industries
Chris Bailey, Action on Empty Homes  Julieta Perucca, The Shift  Laura Baron, Purcell   Sam Freeman, The Shift  

Decarbonise Now: Solutions outside the capitalist growth machine

Say no to endless, directionless growth! Say no to consumerism! These are the systems on which our world spins. We will explore how, as a built environment professional, you can take action within your projects to create systemic change: from a linear & destructive, to a circular & regenerative economy. Join us to visualise systems

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Materials sponsored by Aggregate Industries
Filipa Oliveira, PRP  Peter Apps, Deputy Editor, Inside Housing Magazine, Author, ‘ Show me the bodies: How we let Grenfell Happen’ 

Cultural Transformation: Material Choices – profit or poison

Building materials that are flammable, that encourage black mould growth, that give off carcinogenic particles are killing us. The construction industry has chosen profit and toxicity instead of life and wellbeing. Systems must change and a complete cultural shift is needed in what we prioritise in buildings. Join us to discuss the impacts of specification,

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Materials sponsored by Aggregate Industries
Anthony Hudson, Hudson Architects  Kiran Pereira, Author of ‘Sand Stories’  

Ecological Regeneration: Mapping the hidden impacts of the materials we specify

Did you know there was a sand crisis? A fundamental building block of glass and concrete is running out, and what is left is being fought over and exploited. Join us in this session as we explore the hidden and extractive nature of the materials we specify, and how natural materials provide an alternative and

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Materials sponsored by Aggregate Industries
Rachael Owens, Buckley Gray Yeoman  Vincent MacDonald, MAP Architecture 

The Architects Climate Action Network – an Introduction

“We can no longer let the people in power decide what hope is. Hope is not passive. Hope is not blah blah blah. Hope is telling the truth. Hope is taking action” – Greta Thunberg Join the Architects Climate Action Network (ACAN) for a day of sharing your expertise, taking action together and expanding our

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Materials sponsored by Aggregate Industries
David Brown, SCI  Dr Michael Sansom, BCSA  Graeme Peacock, Tata Steel  Jonathan Davis, William Hare 

Decarbonising structural steelwork – curated by BCSA

Steel is the backbone of modern economies and underpins many industrial sectors, including construction which accounts for more than half of all steel use globally. Steel also has a vital role to play to facilitate the transition to a zero-carbon economy and the industrial and infrastructure revolution that is required to decarbonise the UK by

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Materials sponsored by Aggregate Industries
Ana Quintas, Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute  Chaline Church, 540 WORLD  John Thorogood, Graphenstone UK  Justin Peckham, Accsys Technologies  Scott Mason, Staco Gratings UK 

UK’s first C2C® Circular Design Network (CircDNet) hotspot launches here to disrupt linear design with world-first exemplars

A specialist international panel have joined forces with UK consultants 540 WORLD and Partners to showcase to manufacturers and clients the global exemplars and most current circular design knowledge to help fast-track UK products and projects toward safe, circular, regenerative design. If you want to know how manufacturers are achieving the global standard for certified,

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Materials sponsored by Aggregate Industries
David Hopkins, Timber Development UK  Dr Francesca Moore, Homerton College  Dr Timothy Brittain-Catlin, Studies in Architecture  Edmund Fowles, Feilden Fowles  Peter Laidler, Structure Workshop  Philip Marsh, dRMM Architects  Steve Peet, Engenuiti 

Building for the next generation with timber – curated by Timber Development UK

For centuries, the educational institutions of Britain provided fertile ground for architectural innovation. We are seeing more academic buildings incorporating sustainable features, not only to reduce the building’s environmental impact, but also to promote a healthy and productive learning environment.   The session will explore the Wood Awards 2022 Finalist Wintringham Primary Academy, by award-winning architects

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Materials sponsored by Aggregate Industries
Colin Davis, Studio Partington  Dr Colum McCague, MPA Cement  Elaine Toogood, MPA The Concrete Centre  Steve Callow, MPA Masonry  Tony Hopkin, Project 80 – Homes for the Future 

Resilient and Low Carbon Masonry Homes – curated by MPA Masonry

The majority of new housing in the UK is constructed using brick and block. Detailed design and specification continues to evolve to meet building regulations and the carbon reduction requirements of the Future Homes Standard 2025. In this session the speakers will explain how, and also take a look at some of the innovative products

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Materials sponsored by Aggregate Industries
Jim Glockling, Glockling Consulting  Kelly Harrison, Whitby Wood  Philip Callow, Mass Timber Risk Consulting  Simon Corbey, ASBP 

Overcoming barriers to mass timber construction – curated by ASBP

Mass timber construction can provide an opportune route to decarbonisation in our built environment, however extensive research has identified difficulties in regards to insurance. A new industry-recognised ‘playbook’ aims to provide a practical resource to help overcome these challenges and streamline the process of obtaining insurance for both construction and ongoing occupation of mass timber

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Materials sponsored by Aggregate Industries
Carol Costello, Cullinan Studio  Graham Durrant, Hemp-Lime Spray Limited  Helen McGarry, Expedition  Joe Jack Williams, Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios 

Materials in a climate catastrophe

Sharing insights from a forthcoming book, this session will discuss how we can better understand materials and their environmental impacts so we can make more informed design choices. Experts on specific materials will highlight the questions that we need to ask, focusing on how we can reduce their impact and use them most efficiently. Speakers:

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Materials sponsored by Aggregate Industries
Chloe Donovan, Natural Building Systems  Dr Jim Carfrae, Plymouth University  Dr Tom Woolley, Rachel Bevan Architects, UK Clean Air Steering Committee 

Busting myths about bio-based materials

Growing interest in zero carbon and low embodied energy casts a spotlight on materials that are specified. While mainstream petrochemical, synthetic and cementitious materials strive for lower embodied energy , the best way to achieve this is by using bio based, renewable, natural materials. Many architects and builders are nervous about using bio-based materials as

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Materials sponsored by Aggregate Industries
Will Arnold, IStructE 

Structural materials and decarbonisation: where are we now? – curated by IStructE

Will Arnold, the IStructE’s Head of Climate Action, will present on the decarbonisation of steel, concrete and timber in the UK. As well as critiquing the promises made to date, the presentation will give an insight into some of the exciting materials innovations that Will has come across through his work over the last two

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Materials sponsored by Aggregate Industries
Dr. Asselia Katenbayeva, ASBP  Dr. Katherine Adams, ASBP  Rob Mills, Heyne Tillett Steel  Will Bateman, CCell 

Innovate reuse of structural steel – curated by ASBP

Steel is one of the most widely used and resource intensive materials used in construction. Although commonly recycled at end of life, the reuse of steel is minimal despite the apparent environmental and carbon benefits. New research shows that steel can be reused in a wide range of construction applications and contribute towards a more

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Materials sponsored by Aggregate Industries
Ana Quintas, Cradle to Cradle Products Innovation Institute  Chaline Church, 540 WORLD  Justin Peckham, Accsys Technologies  Peyton Laine, MBDC  Will Frost, International Timber 

Certified safe & circular materials – sustainable wood & global applications disrupting the linear economy – curated by 540 WORLD

Regenerative circular design consultants 540 WORLD and Accoya wood as a gamechanging innovation exemplar present gold standard sustainable timber innovations and why sustainable circularity is a broken design model without material health verification first. The global pioneers setting the international standards in design and materials explain the why, how and what makes Accoya wood safe,

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Materials sponsored by Aggregate Industries
Alice Purcell, AECOM  Dave Cheshire, AECOM 

Building a circular future

David’s presentation will cover the circular economy design principles for buildings; practical examples and case studies; and a brief summary of the requirements of the GLA Circular Economy policies. Chair: Alice Purcell, AECOM Speaker: Dave Cheshire, Director, Sustainability, Buildings + Places, AECOM   

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Materials sponsored by Aggregate Industries
Claire Ackerman, MPA The Concrete Centre  Gareth Wake, MPA Ready-Mixed Concrete  Jenny Burridge, The Concrete Centre  Noushin Khosravi, UK Concrete 

Specifying Low Carbon Concrete – curated by MPA The Concrete Centre

The standard for concrete, BS 8500, is about to be revised and this update will considerably increase the range of low carbon concrete available for all concrete applications. Gareth will provide guidance on how to specify low carbon concrete, including the use of multi-components cements using limestone. Research, development and innovation into new low carbon

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Materials sponsored by Aggregate Industries
Joe Giddings, Built by Nature  José L. Torero, UCL  Kirsten Haggart, Waugh Thistleton Architects  Smith Mordak, Buro Happold 

The New Model Building: A solution for mass timber residential development – curated by Build by Nature

A presentation and panel discussion about the New Model Building, a project by Waugh Thistleton, Buro Happold and UCL, which has established a pre-approved construction system for a 6-storey timber residential building for use by the wider industry. The session will explore the potential of mid-rise timber residential development – tapping into questions of fire

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