Conference Programme

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Activism: Teaching the new curriculum: education is key to positive action on climate and ecological breakdown

A clear understanding of both the climate and ecological crisis is the critical first step for taking action. This should start in the earliest years and continue throughout our formal education and into lifelong learning. It could be argued that these are the two most important issues on which we all need clarity so that we can all take the right decisions and actions to achieve the degree of change that is needed for a sustainable and regenerative future for all.

FUTUREBUILD PROPOSITION NO 11: We need to redesign our whole education on a multi-disciplinary basis around the climate and biodiversity emergency.

Chair: Keith Clarke CBE, Intercity Development Partners – Partenaires de Développement Interurbain and Chair of Constructionarium

What students are asking for
Eleanor Andrade May, Student volunteer, Teach the Future

How politicians are responding
Zoe Arnold, Campaigns Manager – Education, Students Organising for Sustainability (SOS-UK)

What we need for climate and ecologically literate built environment education
Dr Neal Shasore, Head of School and CEO, London School of Architecture
Dr Jenny Russell, Director of Education and Learning, Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA)

This session was curated by

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