The link between nature and human wellbeing is becoming increasingly more tangible. Now the implementation of Biodiversity Net Gain is becoming increasingly important on new site developments with a plan to make it a mandatory requirement. This will be beneficial for both humans and biodiversity. But how do we measure this and ensure that society welling being is considered in the design of BNG?
What practical measures can we take to design green and blue infrastructure to improve our experiences with nature through critical infrastructure and our home environment? How can we forge a stimulating meaningful connection with nature for everyone through clever design and technology? We have invited a key influencer from Local Government focused on improving infrastructure for nature and an award-winning garden designer to demonstrate how we can achieve the best outcomes for our collective prosperity, create resilience systems and tackle climate change.
Chair: Jane Findlay, Founding Director, Fira and Immediate Past-President of the Landscape Institute
Resilient Garden
Tom Massey, Landscape and Garden Designer, Tom Massey Studio